Thursday, 17 November 2011

Mise-en-scene (everything else that needs to be considered when filming!!)

This post will be about everything that I need to use in my shots. This will include costumes, props, any extras that I might need to make it look more realistic and anything that is relevant to what I need to film.

Costumes will be from the modern age because I don't need anything that is from the past times because that is not the time period in which I need to film in. This will help me immensely as this means I wont have to provide any old costumes which could be costly and make the whole of my practical production more difficult to produce. Also, this means that my actors can use their own clothes and therefore feel slightly more comfortable when filming as they wont have to wear clothes which I give them which could be uncomfortable. This will also cut down the problem of the clothes not being the actors' size because if this happened filming would have to be postponed but I do not need to worry about that as they will be using their own clothes.

The props in which I will be using during the process of my practical production will be mugs, books and certain memorable objects that reminds the female lead character of the male character who has died. This will help make the whole teaser trailer look more realistic and therefore it will be what I want it to be, which is realistic. All of the props that I have mentioned above are props that I already have which will help me immensely in my practical production as this means that I wont have to buy any other specialised props which could prove to be very expensive and time consuming. Having the props already will also cut down the amount of problems I may encounter because it means that I wont be relying on other sources to get the props in time.

I could also use some extra people in the background to give it more of the realistic look that I want to capture. This will mean getting consent from members of the public and asking whether they want to be an extra in the teaser trailer. However, to overcome this problem because unfortunately I don't have that much filming time, I could use members of my family and therefore I won't need so much consent as they will be people that I know, and because of this, I will be able to communicate with them a lot better.

As I'm filming, I will improvise with what props to use because this means that when I look at the shot I can make the shot better, aesthetically speaking, and will make it look more finished.

1 comment:

  1. Remember mise-en-scene is not just about making sure there is 'stuff' in shot. Sometimes items have symbolic meaning; consider the semiotics of everything that goes into the shot. Also, too many symbols gets confusing for the audience so think about keeping it simple and only expecting your audience to notice one thing per scene. In your textual analysis of similar texts what did you notice about location, costume, props, lighting, etc?
