Thursday 25 August 2011

Media lesson 19/07/2011

This is a summary of what we did in our last lesson before we broke up for the summer. It shows that we have talked about the diffusion of innovation theory and the hype cycle and also, it shows the definition of the chasm.

Diffusion of Innovation theory!


Process of which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over a period of time among the member of a social system.


An idea, practice or object that is perceived to be new by an individual or other unit of adoption.

The Hype Cycle!

Technology trigger-
Peak of Inflated Expectations,
Trough of Disoluttionment,
Slope of Enlightenment,
Plateau of Productivity

Adopting technology!

Innovators = 25% - technologists and creators
Early adopters = 13.5% - visionaries and creators
Early majority = 34% - pragmatists, critics and collectors
Late majority = 34% - conservatives, joiners and spectators
Laggards = 16% - sceptics, inactives

The chasm-

first definition - a sudden interruption of continuity: a gap
second definition - a pronounced difference of opinions, interests or loyalty

Questions from our media lesson 19/07/2011

Why do certain people adopt technologies sooner than others? pros and cons.


1) The younger generation seems to be more aware of what the newest technology is and therefore they can adapt to the newer technology better.
2) If the younger generation is more aware of the new technology, word of mouth will spread more easily and the young generation will speak about this to the older generations that they have and therefore the new technology will be soon adapted by older people.
3) Younger generation will feel a bit stupid if they don't understand/know about the newest technology as they feel that their peers will know about this new technology.


1) Older generation could be conned into thinking the technology they are buying is new and therefore buying completely the wrong thing and losing out on money.
2) Wont be seen as a technological wiz because you wont know about the new technologies.

How valuable is a social network without enough users?

A social network is not very valuable without enough users because the social network needs lots of users so that there is always someone there to respond, comment and keep the ball rolling. Also, if there weren't enough users then the social network wouldn't be very successful and therefore won't continue being a social network.

How powerful is social influence such as peer pressure?

Peer pressure can be very powerful as it can change the thoughts one person will have on a certain subject just because their peers have a different view on the whole issue. However, if you are a person who never lets whatever view their peer has change their views than it's not very powerful as this won't effect what you think of something.

First pitch!

Talking about what I'm going to do for the year!

So, we have a list of briefs that we could do and we have to pick what we want to do and who we want to do it with and, and, and...

Anyway, looking at all the briefs the one that I have finally chosen to do the second one on the list which includes: A promotion package for a new film to include a new teaser trailer, together with two of the following three options -
1) A website homepage for the film
2) A film magazine front cover, featuring the film
3) A poster for the film

The two of the 3 options that I have decided to do because I feel that these options are what I'm best at and what I think is better for me are the film magazine front cover, featuring the film and a poster for the film. I will do these options because I think that this is where my expertise lie and that I would get better grades at these rather than making a website which is something I can't do that well.

My idea for the teaser trailer that I must do is still a little undecided but I thought of doing a ghost story where the ghost has done wrong in it's mortal life and goes to a medium to talk to the person who has been hurt by this ghost. This will be a romantic/thriller type thing and therefore target market will be females between the ages of 16-40. This does reduce the target market significantly but it wont be suited for males as it might not be something they are interested in.

A prezi presentation will follow this explaining my idea and what I'm going to do for actors. 

First presentation done and dusted!